Devotional Book

This is a simple devotional book meant to inspire challenge and bless those that read it. Its evangelistic in nature and will be read well by those unsaved newly saved and seasoned that just need a few words to spark thoughts. Written to draw reader closer to their creator and challenge to reach toward their calling. May you be blessed and inspired. 

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What you will not find in this book is deep theological truths that have been topics of discussion for all of time. What you will find is simple life lessons, scriptures, and prayers to spark thought within your life of how much God loves you, cares for, you and is always there for you. Psalms 139:9-10 says, “if I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me”. God is always present, always willing to guide us. His hand is never shortened where he is unable to strengthen us no matter what we are facing, no matter what we are going through. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Like a wave he comes at times cleansing, healing, and strengthening. Like a wave he can move us in the direction best needed for us to go to reach our destination. I had a friend who once said, “I haven't met anyone yet who could outrun the hand of God”. Many people spend a lifetime running from the truth that God wants to share with them to enable them to live life to the fullness, inspired, strengthened, and blessed by His presence. I pray that this book will help you in your journey, in the waves of life that you face and that it would strengthen you and give you a perspective and a glimpse of eternity and what really matters. May God's truth land within your heart as you read these pages, may you be blessed and ride the Wave of Hope found in Christ Jesus. 

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30 Prayers

Meet the Author

Gregory M Yalch

Son, Husband, Father, Minister, Song Writer, Author

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