Sample Devotions

This Wave of Hope 30 Day Devotional Samples

Breathe Deeply


Memory Verse: Psalm 119:105

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

One day towards the end of a surfing session, I was having a great time enjoying the waves. After riding one of the waves, I got a little bit comfortable and decided to jump off my board onto the sandbar. Instantly, I felt something unusual. Something that I had never felt before (and it sure wasn’t sand). I had stepped onto a little fleshly, squirmy thing that comes with a sharp sting. It was a stingray obviously and rightfully upset on being stepped on. It decided on using its defense mechanism and sting me just barely catching my right large toe. I wanted to catch more waves, but the pain was unbearable and not going to allow me to. My toe began to swell, and blood was oozing out. I got myself over to the nearest lifeguard where I was given a bag of extremely hot water to place on the point of impact, this was in attempt to draw out any venom. I continued this process at home as well. The healing process was long. As it got infected, it took months to completely heal with multiple doctor visits. All because I had gotten a little comfortable and jumped off my board in an area I shouldn’t have. And I thought, it's like our daily lives. You must be careful where you step and be sure to step in places that you can see. In my case, I had jumped off the board in an area where the water was unclear and there was no way of telling what was underneath and waiting for me. When you step in unclear places in life you can get stung. And sometimes, it can take years to recover. As believers, we must be guarded in all that we do. We can’t afford to go to certain places or enter certain relationships with people. Our journey in life must be guided by the word of God. When we enter places that God has not sent us to, we can suffer the sting of disobedience. In the end, it can lead to long-lasting pain and bitterness. Psalms 119:105 says it well, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”. Let the Lord's word light your steps, so you don't get stung by unseen things and suffer the way I did that day I became comfortable and jumped into an area that wasn’t clear. 

Pray this Prayer: Lord, I yield to your leadership and guidance. I will not walk into destruction and death or in places of darkness where I can get stung. Instead, I chose to allow your word to light my daily path knowing you will lead me rightly. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. 

Climb Higher


Memory Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

One day as I was rushing through life, I went to do laundry for the family at the local laundromat.  I had a huge agenda lined up for the day and laundry was just one of the many activities that needed to get done. As the clothes were drying, I began to become impatient and edgy. Thoughts began filling my mind like “come on dry faster”, “hurry up I have lots to do”, “can’t you go any faster”. As I watched the clothes spin around in the dryer, a thought came to mind. No matter what you do, what you think, how much you're on edge or rushing, these clothes must go through the process and it's going to take some time for them to dry. You can't speed it up, just put them in and let them go through their cycle and in time they will dry. It was as if the Lord was trying to teach me a lesson. Sometimes we try to speed up the process. We often cut corners, become impatient, even to the point of frustration. Forgetting that God has a perfect timed process for all areas of our lives. Some people will even try to convince you that you can speed up process. I’m not so sure if you can speed it up, but I do know you can slow it down through disobedience and lessons you did not learn the first time around. Just like those clothes have a process to dry, so our lives have a process to complete what God wants to do. Anything that is built must go through a process. God is always at work desiring to build our lives into something that brings Him glory. Let God work out what He needs to in your life by walking you through the process He has designed specifically for you. Trust and surrender to the process.  Rest in the process knowing that God's hand is upon you, and He will give you the steps to take as you go through your process. He will do for you that which you cannot do in order that His purposes come to pass in your life.  A major key in allowing God’s process in our lives is to not try and rush ahead. We also must be careful not to get stuck and fall behind.  You know the Bible talks about the potter's house. We are the clay; He is the potter, and we need to trust in Him that He is molding and shaping us. And in His timing, we'll become complete and be all that God has called us to be. 

Pray this Prayer: Lord, I pray that I will not stray away from your process but always trust in you. Help me not to get impatient and frustrated when things aren’t moving as fast as I’d like. Help me also to stay in step with your process. In Jesus name, Amen.  

Be Patient


Memory Verse: Philippians 1:6

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

One morning, I woke up early and went to put some gas in my wife's car. It was part of my routine preparation for a new week.  It was about 6 a.m. when I got into the car and started driving to my destination. Instantly, I noticed that it was foggy. It was so foggy that I couldn’t see very well at all and wondered if I had made the right decision. Whenever it's foggy most would agree, it feels a little gloomy. That morning I remember that feeling setting in the point that I almost turned back around and headed straight for home. But the need overwhelmed the feeling and the circumstances, and I continued driving to my destination. In time as I stayed my course I eventually drove out of the foggy patch and into a place of light and warmth. A thought came to my mind. Oftentimes as we go through life, we hit a foggy patch. Vision becomes not as clear as it was, we become a little drawn in. Due to circumstances, we think about turning around and going back. Some people get depressed and stuck in a foggy patch of life. Some veer off their intended course only to suffer a crash. Many though chose to continue driving on towards the destination despite a foggy patch in life. If you have hit a foggy patch in life, I encourage you to stay the course. Continue to be confident that God will complete the work He has started. He is faithful, even when we are not. Warmth, light, and breakthroughs are right around the corner. Your burden is about to get lighter. Situations that have left you confused will become clearer. As you stay your course, your miracle is just down the road. Just as I drove that morning in the fog, as I continued soon light, and warmth came. Likened to our life with Jesus, even in the foggy times, the unsure times we are guaranteed to drive through that patch of fogginess and into a place of his marvelous light and warmth. Continue to drive and stay the course. He will complete the work in you He has started. 

Pray this Prayer: Father, I receive strength to forge ahead in all life circumstances, keeping my trust in you. I know you will complete the work you started in me as I stay the course. Help me not to get sidetracked or discouraged in foggy times. In Jesus name, Amen.

Challenge Yourself


Memory Verse: Isaiah 1:19

“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.”

Surfing for over 40 years and serving the Lord for over 30, there are some comparisons I’ve been able to find between the two. In Matthew, there’s a story about Jesus and his disciples. The disciples were in a boat and Jesus was walking on the water towards the boat. They saw him but they were not too sure if it was him. Peter looks out and says, “Lord if it is you, then bid me to come’. Jesus replies “come”. Then Peter gets out of the boat and starts walking on the water towards Jesus. This is a huge illustration of a man’s willingness to step out into the unknown, simply on a word from the Lord. I often wonder what was going through the minds of everyone else in the boat as they watched Peter begin to climb out of the boat onto the water. Regardless of what they were thinking, Peter was the only one attempting what seemed impossible. Everyone knows if you want to go surfing, you must be willing to get wet. Many people say they want to go surfing, but once they stand on the shore, they are not willing to take the next step and get wet. This is similar with serving the Lord. You must be willing to step into what God has for you. At times you can feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit, but its ultimately up to you to take the step. Peter didn’t have it all together and possibly was even made fun of at times. Say what you will about Peter but one thing you cannot say is that He was unwilling to step out. There's something about people that are willing to step out. Willing to step out into what God has for them, willing to get wet. God doesn’t violate our will. He will speak to us about it but it’s up to us to have a willing spirit, step in and get wet (in the spirit). Many have stood at the shores of life looking off into the horizon and dream of what it would be like to step out into the unknown that God has placed within their heart. There is no harm in having dreams. But don’t just be a dreamer, be a doer. Step out today and be willing to get wet.  

Pray this Prayer: Lord I am willing, help me in the times I struggle with unwillingness, stubbornness, and unbelief. Help me to step out when you call and be willing to get wet in the unknown. For I know where you lead you sustain. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.  

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