30 Day Devotional Sampler 

Draw near to God....and He will draw near to you.  James 4:8 
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This Wave of Hope 30 Day Devotional Available Now 

Draw near to God....and He will draw near to you.  James 4:8 
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Draw near to God....and He will draw near to you.  James 4:8 
Video Devotion

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Draw near to God....and He will draw near to you.  James 4:8 

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Draw near to God....and He will draw near to you.  James 4:8 
Movie / Merch

This Wave of Hope is designed to inspire and encourage people to draw near to God their Creator. This Wave of Hope offers video devotions, written devotions, reading material, songs, movies  as evangelistic tools helping people to be strengthened in their walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says in James 4:8… Draw near to God and He will Draw near to You. May the resources you find in This Wave of Hope help you to draw near to God and may they strengthen you on your journey as you move forward in the fulfillment of your destiny and calling…May they be a blessing to you... as you” Ride the Wave of Hope Found” in Christ Jesus. 

 Psalm 139:9&10


...THE WORD...



Christian Essentials Below 

Prayer: An essential part of every believers walk with God. Simply Stated it is talking with God. 
There is no real right way or wrong way to Pray it is simply practicing communicating with the creator. Prayer is not just talking but learning to listen as well.  
5 Types of Prayers...
Praise: Talk to God about how great He is.
Thanksgiving: Talk to God about what you are grateful for.
Confession: Talk to God about your sin/wrong doing/disobedience.
Intercession: Talk to God about the needs of others.
Petition: Talk to God about your needs.  
Remember you can pray anytime, anywhere, about anything. God is always there to listen. (1 John 5:14-15)
The Word: Reading the Bible daily is very important. Through the Bible God reveals His character and His will. He teaches us what is true and helps us to realize the things that need changing in our lives. Through His word God shows us how to make those changes and learn to live right before Him. (Psalm 119:9, 11)
If you are just getting acquainted with the Bible, a good place to start would be the gospel of John, Proverbs and Psalms.
As you read don't go too fast, begin with a chapter a day. As you read take time to meditate on what it says.
Fellowship: Connecting with other Christians
It's important to spend time with other Christians. We can share our Christian experience with others who love God and likewise allow them to share with us. God appoints the church as a place for us to meet other Christians, to learn about God, through Bible studies, prayer meetings, singing and praising as one body.
Share Faith: Witness for Christ: Living a better life
As a Christian witness you share with others who don't know Jesus Christ as their personal savior, and what it means to personally trust Him with his or her personal life.  Your life as a Christian is a key part of being a Christian witness. Your habits, lifestyle and conduct is the greatest testimony you have (Matthew 5:16).  As a Christian witness you are also provided with a power beyond yourself, the Holy Spirit, God is able to witness through you. (Acts 1:8)

Listen Carefully and Follow Closely

 Draw near to God....and He will draw near to you.  James 4:8 

 Psalm 139:9&10 NLT
If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.

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